Friday was rather uneventful: We went to the cinema and watched The Bourne Ultimatum. Nice, action packed movie!
Saturday, we went to the Night Safari, and that was really nice. It's like a Zoo, but at night - a nocturnal journey through the forest with a lot of tropical wildlife: leopards, tigers, flying foxes (cute and scary!), gliding squirrels (acrobatic!), and some bear-monkey looking things with an unpronouncable name that are supposedly one of the world's only mammals which produce venom. The big cats were the most impressive though... tigers and leopards really up close, with only half an inch of glass seperating him and me... impressive.
More photos can (as always) be seen at my flickr gallery, which is handily linked on the right hand side of your browser window.
Today, Sunday, we went to Pulau Ubin. That's a little island only 10 minutes from Singpore (and also under Singapore sovereignty), but it feels like an entirely different place and time. The say it's like the Singapore of the 60's, but that's really hard to believe - Where there are skyscrapers, shopping malls and modern nightlife today, there was nothing but... fishing huts? Well, they tell us that development here has been quite rapid.
Anyway, Pulau Ubin was nice. Very tropical... I felt like I was really in the tropics for the first time since I arrived. Palm trees, swamps, butterflies, flowers, the whole shebang!
The ferry ride was quite a lot different from what I'm used to in Germany - no safety rails, no restrictions on whether you can stand up and walk around the (unsecured) deck - if you can call it a deck. The whole ship wasn't bigger than a small freight truck.
After landing on the south shore of the island, we first waded through a sea of bike rentals, had lunch at a rustic chinese diner, and then started walking in the rough direction of the northern shore, where there was supposed to be a little beach. Well, it was a long trek, especially since the path we first wanted to take was closed down... so we had to track back and take a potentially less scenic detour.
The beach was a it of a let-down in the end... smallish and dirtyish, not the most inviting water color either - but what can you expect? We still went in for a little, and spent the rest of the time mostly reading and chatting.
When I got home, Thorsten, my roommate, still had a friend over: a local girl who offered to show us around a bit. We talked a lot and ordered funny pizza. Maybe we'll all go to Java together, that would be fun!
Tomorrow, uni starts. But today, I enjoyed my first ever tropical rainshower :)
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