Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blog Labels

Okay, I'm still fiddling around with the labels (tags) on this blog, I hope you'll bear with me. For now, the labeling scheme will be as follows:

1. Labels for locality
This indicates where the stuff I posted happened. So far, we have these:
in transit (when moving between places, i.e. my documentary of my first ever flight)
singapore (guess what.)

2. Labels for content
This sort of categorizes the kind of thing I describe in the post. For example:
sightseeing (self-explanatory I think)
happenings (probably to be further divided in the future)
details (short blurbs about what's different here, compared to home)
encounters (about people I meet)

3. Misc. labels
For example:
With photos (if you only want to see posts that contain photos)
Blog stuff (for organisational stuff, like this post)

Hope that helps a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

morgen ziehen wir um ^^
ich hab morz viel bier getrunken
und wenn du mir ne postcard senden willst, mußte jetzt in obere mühle 5 gleichepostleitzahl schreiben *muhaha*