Thursday, August 9, 2007


Yow, my nipples hurt. More on that later, but first:
We went to a club today, called "Double O". Would you believe it, that was actually the first time I've been to a "mainstream" club like that. Apparently, every Wednesday it's Ladies' Night in many clubs around town, so our girls got in for free, and we guys had to pay 30S$ entrance fee (about 15€). Jannika and Nicole brought along Mako, a very nice girl from Japan, and Munir and me spent most of the first part of the evening in the club alone with her, because the other girls were both wearing flip-flops - the "bouncers" (not very bouncy looking women) told us that you're not allowed to enter any club in Singapore without proper footwear - so they had to go home and change.
Mako and the two of us already went in though, and it turned out to be kinda weird. Very pink and, well, mainstreamish. The music was horrible too... So we got some drinks :-) We had hoped to meet some of the other exchange students there, but there weren't really any of them, they messaged us that they'd gone to another club, so we were pretty much on our own. Was okay though, we had a lot of fun :) Mako told us that people in Japan usually don't dance (they do Karaoke though), and she was a little shy and afraid about it, which kind of reminded me of the problems I had when I first went out... never wanted to dance because I was afraid of making a fool of myself. To be honest though, hardly anyone can dance really well, and if you look at it closely, they are all making fools of themselves! So why not just join in and have some fun? So we did.
This is the part where we get to my hurting nipples. I bought a new shirt, and it's made of some kind of weird fabric, it's kinda rough. Yeah, you can imagine the rest.
Now it's 5 am, and I'm kind of home, and done for. Oh, almost forgot: Someone from one of the Halls mailed us today and told us to send our resumés, and that maybe they have a free room or two. So our accommodation situation might change for the better soon, yay! Keep your fingers crossed!
Tomorrow is Singapore's National Day, and we're going to see the parade and fireworks! Yay, expect photos!

For now, good night.

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