Friday, December 14, 2007


Instead of waking up at 9am like I planned, I managed to sleep through till 2pm. Wow, good job, the sun's gonna be down in 2-3 hours. So I didn't manage to get much sightseeing done today after all.

I did, however, manage to get to Akihabara, Tokyo's prime electronics shopping area, to and buy a transformator for my laptop. I was really looking forward to having to use my japanese, but turns out the clerk found it easier to speak to me in English. Long story short: Yay, I can now use my own computer again!

Electric Town

I also managed to buy some apples. And a sandwich at Subway's. They're quite different here than what I'm used to! But then again, everything is.

Also, the skies are full of cables:

More Cables.

The people here at the hostel are really nice, and from all over. Just one photo to prove that I am really here:


Oh, and I'll have to start figuring out how to use the asian squat style toilets here, I think. Well, better late than never... I managed to avoid them all across south east asia so far, but it seems that now, I don't have a choice anymore. The only toilet in the hostel is a squat one.
Any advice on how these things work would be greatly appreciated!

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