Thursday, December 27, 2007

Moving on again

A cheery hello to all the folks at home! I haven't written up a proper blog about my first host yet, but all in all, the time I spent with Hiro-san and Kazuko-san was very enjoyable! And I got to cook both my chicken curry and my tortellini for them, yummy!

Today I moved on to a different host. Keiko and her crew have an organic farm about 1.5 hours from Tokyo. They've got chickens and sheep, and also grow some stuff, but I haven't yet figured out what it is. The place is very different from urban Tokyo, to say the least! Hey, it's a farm. This is the first time I shall ever work on a farm. I'm a little excited, after all I still have a sort of vision about my future as a self-sufficient farmer's man somewhere outside of Europe one day.

Not much else happened today. I'm going to learn a great deal of Japanese however, since only one person here speaks English, and she's quite busy. There is another WWOOF'er here as well, and it so happens that he's from Germany. Luckily (or unfortunately?) for me, he speaks rather good Japanese, so he can act as an interpreter in those difficult situations, but then again that of course takes away a little the reason to improve my Japanese. I was however able to call Keiko from the station and tell her in Japanese who I am and that I have arrived and am waiting at the station, I'm so proud! :)

There's probably a lot to do here, a lot of tasty and healthy food, and not much else. We'll see if I get a yearning to go online and waste my time there, or manage to relax and blend in - as much as that's even possible as a fair-skinned *cough* Gaijin with dreadlocks... So, I probably won't be online much in the next 1-2 weeks, all things willing.

I wish you all a merry belated christmas as well, or whatever your religion's appropriate reason for seasonal merriness! And for myself, I wish I had brought warmer clothes.


Andy said...

HAhaha i guess sign language is another option if japanese is not for u! :P

Anonymous said...

hehe, du kommst ja rum wie sau ;)

Markus said...

Moi Jan,
schön mal wieder was neues im Blog zu lesen, hattest ja ne kleine Pause zwischen drin ;)
Na, dann noch viel Spaß auf deiner Farm, frohes Neues Jahr (bei dir ist es jetzt wahrscheinlich schon so weit ^^)
