Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hitting the road again.

Looks like I only ever post when I'm moving, and never when I'm in one place. Oh well!
Anyway, I've been at Keiko's farm for almost a month now, and it was a simply awesome time here. I've learned so much Japanese that I can even properly ask random people on the street for directions. Granted, I won't understand their answers, but you can't have everything, right?

Tomorrow afternoon, I'll take my leave again. Going to take the night bus to Osaka, do some sightseeing when I arrive there, find a place to lay my head to rest at night, and then board the ferry the next morning. 48h later, on Sunday, I'll arrive in Shanghai.

I'll see if I can't keep you guys updated in the meantime. Still have to buy a book for the boat ride, otherwise I'll be pretty bored...


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