I'm starting to get just a little nervous now. I never stepped on a plane, or helicopter, or balloon, or anything like it before. I have rented a hostel for the first week in Singapore, but after that? Here's hoping that it won't be too hard to find an affordable apartment. Moving to the other end of the planet without any clue where I'll live past the first week? Scary thought. Scarier even than to figure out how to get all of my stuff packed up in cardboard boxes.
Here in Göttingen, I live above a pub. To get to my
rathole apartment, one has to climb a very narrow spiral staircase... most of my furniture fits through there, but a sofa, an armchair and my fridge don't. So how did we get them in here in the first place? Easy, just tied them up with ropes and shoved them out of the window of the café on the first floor, dragged them up to the second floor and pulled them in through the window. I hope that getting them down again will be easier...
I also bought a neoprene shuttle bag for my notebook, only to realize that I'd probably need another one to take all my peripheral gear - mouse, external harddrive, digicam, power units... Cramming them into that bag too kinda defeats the purpose, I think. I also think I really have to start packing.